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updating business cards

now that i have this website up and running, i wanted to add my homepage address to my business card. yet, all the other information is up to date and i love the look of my business card. so, i decided to make stickers instead.


updating business cards

my business card is printed on an off-white paper with a lot of blank space. i personally like to keep my things simple and clean, as visual clutter makes my mind clutter. also、as an artist, i feel as though once i start adding this and that, i snowball into a total mess.


updating business cards

if i had printed on off-white stickers, i feel as though my business card would represent a cheapskate. by making them with a black background, it becomes a key design point and brings the eye to the website.

updating business cards

a little before and after of my “brand new” business card!
名刺のプチイメチェン ビフォーアフター!

2015 new year’s resolution

* this post was originally posted on my tumblr. in january 2015 / こちらのブログは、自身の tumblr. にて1月(2015年)にアップしたものになります。

new year’s resolution.

to better myself, physically, mentally, and career-ly.

last year, i was able to start creating a foundation for my career. this year i will put it into shape.




in japan, in place of holiday greeting cards, we send nengajou (new year’s greeting postcard) to friends, family, and clients to arrive on new year’s day. my last job of 2014 was designing a nengajou for a wedding planner friend.

as a designer, there’s jobs where i just can’t think of a great design, and there’s those that i have a genius moment that hits me with the perfect vision. this job was the latter. i was so excited to receive the postcard in the mail. like every one of my paper item designs, my projects aren’t complete until i see the finished product on paper. and especially when they are letterpress, even more excitement.

欧米では、クリスマスを含む宗教的なホリデーが12月に集中します。そこで、11月末の感謝祭を過ぎたら、一斉にホリデーカードが送られます。基本のメッセージは「Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!」と新年の挨拶もそこに含まれるパターンが多いです。日系人の私は、両方の習慣を楽しめることが大好きです。ホリデーカードのデザインと年賀状のデザインがかぶって大忙しですが、どちらも届くのが本当に嬉しいのです。





that said, have an amazingly fantastic 2015.



a quote from orson scott card

“When you have wisdom that another person knows that he needs, you give it freely. But when the other person doesn’t yet know that he needs your wisdom, you keep it to yourself. Food only looks good to a hungry man.”

– From Orson Scott Card’s “Xenocide” p 396.

* this post was originally posted on my tumblr. 4 months ago. / こちらのブログは、自身の tumblr. にて4ヶ月前にアップしたものになります。

I’ve been pretty busy to read as much as I want to, so it’s taken me 10 months to read the first 2/3 of this book, and 1 week to read the rest.  But I came across this caption at the perfect moment.  Well, a moment too late, as I had just found myself blurting out thing something that I should keep to myself—which I find myself doing quite often in my life.  Sometimes it gets me in trouble, sometimes it gets me “the look” from a very honest friend, or yelled at by family.

But coming across this part of the book, came as the perfect lesson taught by Orson Scott Card.  You never learn something more than by reoccurrence.  Usually you learn a new word [INPUT], and then you use the word in your daily life for it to really stick in your brain [OUTPUT].

This is something that I’ve slowly but hopefully surely will make stick in my brain… as nearing 30…. I really do need some growing up to do.







a moment for fonts

a quick gush on my favorite go-to fonts.  (they may be a little cliché but i must gush.)


1. century gothic

i’ve been obsessed with this one for ages.  and as much as i am smitten with how beautiful no. 2 is, i personally come back to this baby.  here’s a shot of my business card and a wedding invitation i made last year.  / 私の定番中の定番。次のフォントも大好きですが、個人使用には必ずこちらに。自身の名刺&去年のお客様の結婚式招待状で使用しました。

century gothic

century gothic

2. helvetica neue : ultra light

i found this beauty on my computer one day while helping with my friend’s wedding program.  why hadn’t i noticed it sooner??  my recent wedding clients have liked clean gothic fonts and whenever i recommend this one, it’s a keeper.  / 友人の結婚式の式次第を作成中にパソコンにあったのを始めて気づきました。なぜもっと早く気づいていなかったのであろうか??最近のお客様でゴシック調が好きな方にはオススメしていますが、必ずこちらに決まります。

helvetica neue

helvetica neue

3. bodoni

read the small print.  nuff said.  /  「”i am in love with you”」「心底、狂うほど」


hi! my name is…

hi! my name is minori.  a japanese girl born and raised in the united states and who found herself in her motherland, japan, 17 years later.

fast forward 10 + years and i am a visual creator.  i love graphic design, making clothing and paper crafts.  i’ve worked as an assistant in and out of the fashion industry, but i’m a creator rather than a stylist or an editor.  you may find me introducing cute fashion items or products, but more than anything you’ll probably find me talking about my obsession with [eye-candy].

oh and some people are annoyed with the all-lower-case…. i’m sorry, i love it.  so at least for this time being, please bear with me because typography is another factor of graphics that i adore.

初めまして。とはいえ、このブログに登録してから既に2年ほど経っています。なので、改めて、「初めまして」です。m i n o r i です。

いちいち m i n o r i をローマ字にする理由はあります。変な日本語になる事もあります。。血は純日本人ですが、国籍、生まれ育ちはアメリカの2世になります。17歳で日本に留学して、10+年経ち、現在に至ります。

