illustration / イラストレーション

happy 2018!

2017 did me well. it was a rough year, but a much needed time to realize what i am capable of and what is pushing it.

now it’s 2018 and i am ready to take on all the artwork my mind can produce! simply put, my resolution is to J U S T  C R E A T E.

what are your goals for the coming year?

whatever they are, follow your heart, your soul, and believe in yourself, trust your instincts. may you all have a fulfilling year for both body and mind.

H A P P Y  N E W  Y E A R ! !

p.s. the main photo of this post is of my nengajou for this year! all lettering and graphics by me. (still practicing chalkboard lettering in 2nd photo!)

handwritten spice jar labels

this past month has been quite a hassle! i had some sort of stomach flu combined with a cold, that led to sinusitis… after 3 weeks in bed, i’ve slowly tried to come back to my daily routine. rolling around in bed so long had me restless and got me into an organization frenzy! which brings me to today’s topic: handwritten spice jar labels.

この1ヶ月間、大変でしたー  風邪と感染性腸炎のダブルパンチで3週間も寝込んでしまい、やっといつもの生活習慣を取り戻しつつありそうです。そんな何もできずにゴロゴロしてる日々が続き、治ってきたら家のいたるところを整理整頓したくなってしまいました。そこで、今日の本題に入りまーす:手書きラベルのスパイス入れ。


during my visit to santorini, i had bought some wonderful herb and spice mixes, which i had been wanting to find the perfect spice jars for. after much brainstorming and contemplation (of whether to buy a label printer or which jars to buy), i decided to go analog and handwrite labels to put on these jars from the 100 yen shop (seria probably has the bestest trendiest selection!).


i had A4 size printable adhesive label sheets (the kind that isn’t pre-cut) leftover from a past wedding project. these are great for handwriting or printing any size stickers up to A4, and you have the freedom to create any shape (as long as you’re willing to cut them yourself!). not to mention, the grid lines show through a little bit, helping out with measuring out multiple labels.



handletter. cut. stick. / 作って、切って、貼って。


i felt SO accomplished afterward!! WOOHOOO!

2017 illustrated calendar

it’s been ages since i’ve posted anything!! i will one day update you all with the projects i’ve been a part of! / 最後の投稿からかなり時間が経ってしまいました m(_ _ )m 落ち着いたら、なぜ忙しかったかまた報告しま〜す!

in the meantime… for a very limited time (until the end of november 2016 to be exact), i have been selling these 2017 illustrated calendars on my etsy and creema shops!
ただいま、期間限定(2016年11月いっぱい!)で2017年のイラストカレンダーを etsycreema にて販売しております!

if you follow me on instagram (aww thanks!!!!), you may have seen me posting a “52 week 2016 memories” illustration every so often. it all started late 2015, when a friend had asked me to create an illustrated calendar that she would later be able to keep around the house to display. so i decided to start this 52 week project where i would illustrate a memorable moment of each week; selecting my favorite of that month to put into the calendar. for october, november, and december, i selected my favorites from 2015!
インスタグラムでフォローしてくださっている方(thank you★)はご覧いただいているかもしれませんが、この1年間、『2016年52週間の思い出』を載せてきました。これは、2015年後半に友人にお願いされ、イラストカレンダーをデザインして欲しいと言われました。それも、カレンダーとして使用後、インテリアとしてディスプレイできるものが良いと。そこで『2016年の思い出』プロジェクトを考え、毎週思い出になった光景を描き、その月の一番気に入ったイラストを選出してカレンダーにしました。10月〜12月は2015年の思い出を使用しました。

since the calendar is made for use in japan, it only reflects japanese national holidays. i’ve especially chosen illustrations that represent japanese holidays or traditions, or western holidays that japanese ♥. there are 13 cards total (one for each month, plus the cover), of which each month is double sided—calendar + illustration on one side, single illustration on the other. also included is a sturdy plastic frame stand that can be used vertically and horizontally.

if you need a holiday gift for friends or family, come stop by my shops to see the calendar! / 親戚や友人などのプレゼントにどうぞ!是非一度ショップを見てみてください♫

otherwise, it’s been a whirlwind autumn since getting these calendars printed, i haven’t been able to keep up with the 52 week illustrations, but i will definitely continue them once the holiday hustle and bustle allows me a breather!


H A P P Y  H O L I D A Y S *
 m i n o r i

my 2020 olympic emblem

for the 2020 tokyo summer olympics, the japan olympic committee decided to ask the general public for emblem designs. i have been exploring and expanding my artistic abilities this year and i decided to let this be another challenge on that path. unfortunately, i didn’t make the shortlist, but i feel i did my best work that i could at this moment. as for the next step, i plan to enter more contests in the near future.


my tokyo 2020 olympic games emblem design
i n s p i r a t i o n : ukiyoe, overcoming the tsunami (disasters), connecting with the world beyond the waters (borders)
イ ン ス ピ レ イ シ ョ ン : 浮世絵、災害からの復興、海(国境)を超える

my tokyo 2020 paralympic games emblem design
i n s p i r a t i o n : traditional japanese fireworks, rising above expectations, exceeding limits
イ ン ス ピ レ イ シ ョ ン : 伝統芸術の花火、期待を超える、自身を超える

[creema] denim + wool + knit upcycled clutch bag [SOLD OUT]


my most recent handmade item, is this upcycled clutch bag! there are only two in this world and i am so proud of them (only one will be sold)!! there’s a little story behind them that i want to share with you today 🙂


i teach english on the weekend, and one of my students and i talk about the importance of making clothes last (or rather he made me realize so: see my 2016 resolutions!). he tells me how he wears his clothes until they are worn thin and even then, he uses them as rags before tossing them. (side note: in japanese history, when materials and food were scarce, kimonos were used the same way: resized to fit children, upcycled into handbags or accessories, and eventually used as rags.) except, until this sweater–100% alpaca wool and made in ireland, it was the best quality–whose wool made him itchy and was unwearable. he told me that he had thrown this sweater away! i asked him immediately if it was still salvageable and fortunately it came into my hands.

after fashion college, i used to work for an italian clothing brand, where i was allowed to take home unneeded denim from pant alterations. i decided to combine this and the sweater to make clutch bags. two more things were needed though… instinctively i knew that pinstriped wool would be spectacular with it PLUS an “a-ha” moment led me to hand-weave a lemon yellow friendship bracelet specifically for the bag.





i added these super cute floral pin badges from the POOL AOYAMA (which closes tomorrow, march 21st, 2016 *GASP*) and “OMG” light-bulb brooch from niko and…. / 私のには、the POOL AOYAMA(明日、2016年3月21日閉店なんですー T^T)のピンバッジとniko and…の『OMG』電球バッジをつけて、ポップにしました。

the lemon yellow and silver friendship bracelet, lightens up the otherwise dark clutch, so it’s usable in the spring. denim and knit goes well with casual looks, while pinstripes go with cleaner minimal outfits. / レモンイエローとシルバーのミサンガでダークめのクラッチバッグが一気に明るくなるので、春使用でも全然使えます!また、デニム+ニットでカジュアルに、ピンストライプでキレイめにと様々なコーディネートで活躍するワンポイントになります。

in this illustration (by yours truly) / イラスト内のアイテム(私作です♥) :
short sleeved shirt / 半袖シャツ :
Acne Studios ready-to-wear SS16 “Morag pop white”
rusty orange skirt / パンプキンスカート :
mid-heel leather shoes / ミディアムヒールレザーシューズ :

in this outfit / このコーディネートのアイテム :
shirt blouse / シャツブラウス :
olive green gathered skirt / カーキギャザースカート:
slick mist shimokitazawa


come visit me in my CREEMA shop! peace . love . tokyo

SOLD OUT upcycled clutch!

CREEMA ショップをご覧ください!peace . love . tokyo

販売済み リメイククラッチバッグ!

h a v e  a  n i c e  d a y  / /  良 い 一 日 を

2016 resolutions

happy new year! / あけましておめでとうございます!

today i want to talk about all the goals i have for this year. there are so many new projects i want to work on and unfinished projects i want to complete. i feel that listing them here will make me make them happen. i’ve been spending a lot of time planning and organizing my days carefully in order to have an allotted time for each project.

[mental resolutions]
// be less critical of others, and more critical of myself (constructively). in doing so, i hope to become a positive human being. / 他人を批判するより自分を建設的に批判する。そこから、ポジティブな人間になれるようにつなげていきたいです。

// be less wasteful of time, money, and objects. vivienne westwood says: “buy less. choose well. make it last. quality, not quantity.” / 時間、お金、物の無駄遣いを減らす。ヴィヴィアン・ウエストウッドが言った通り「買うことを減らす。上手に選ぶ。長く大事に使う。量より質。」

// overcome my fears and restraints of success. to step out of my comfort zone. / 成功と成功への道を怖がらない事。慣れない領域こそに一歩踏み入れないと、今の生活から抜け出せない。

[physical resolutions]
// last year i had some issues with my knee and i was told that it was an issue stemming from my bad posture. bad posture can lead to other pains throughout the body, so this year i’m going to concentrate on hopefully bettering this. / 去年は膝を痛めて、整形外科や整体に通って言われたのは、姿勢の悪さ。骨盤のバランスから身体の健康が成り立ちます。なので、今年は姿勢を正す!

[creative resolutions]

happy 2016!!
// draw more! illustrations, fashion design, and graffiti art. so many friends and family have supported me since they’ve known me. i’ve received these wonderful sketchbooks and drawing pads over the past few years, and this year i’d like to put them to use! / 描く描く描く!イラストやファッション画やグラフィティーアート。長年、家族や友人にサポートしてきてもらっていて、こういうスケッチブックやクロッキーブックをいただいて来ました。今年はそれをたくさん活用させて、自分の絵を磨きたいです。

// fill my visual life with more color. / 自身のビジュアルの世界をカラーで彩る。

some of these i’ve already started on (a 52 week illustration challenge and 2 week yoga challenge!). find me on instagram to follow my artistic adventure of 2016! @min0ribiy0ri / 何点かもう始めている物もあります(52週イラストチャレンジや2週間のヨガチャレンジ)。2016年のヴィジュアルワールドは、インスタグラムにて紹介していますので、よかったら是非ご覧ください。@min0ribiy0ri

all cards

[etsy samples] illustrating holiday cards

it’s the holiday season! which means many people around the world are rushing to get their holiday greeting cards in the mail and on their way to loved ones. as i mentioned before, i originally began selling the cards i personally made for myself to send, and this year i’m using these from my Etsy shop. take a look below to see how i personalized the simple minimal holiday cards.


let it snow
let it snow / 雪やこんこん♬

ornaments / オーナメント

christmas lights
christmas lights / クリスマスライト

jingle bells
jingle bells / ジングルベル

milk and cookies
milk & cookies / クッキーと牛乳

wreath making
wreath making / リース作り

may you all have a wonderful holiday season!!