
2018 winter holiday handmade greeting cards

after a whirlwind of a year, christmas night is almost through, and the new year just ahead. this year’s holiday season greeting cards were a simple dedication to my tokyo life.


m a r u n o u c h i ,  t o k y  o  |  j a n u a r y  2 0 1 8

the inspiration came from this photo i took in marunouchi, this past january. which reminds me of when i lived in wall street, nyc.

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handcut tree window

gold and white spray paint

…from tokyo…

H A P P Y  H O L I D A Y S ! !

handmade greeting cards for 2017 holiday season!

december is already halfway through! the past couple months has flown by faster than light years! exaggerating? yes, but really… i still had to squeeze in this batch of handmade holiday cards for friends and fam. once an idea comes to mind, i just must. do. it. here, i share the process!


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i started off by creating the layout on adobe illustrator

handcut letters

these transparent origami sheets are from daiso.  i’ve been waiting for the perfect opportunity to use them! instead of using traditional christmas colors, i wanted to go with a “holiday neutral” color scheme. a bit of 90’s and a bit of neon and every bit pop!

after covering the backside of the transparent sheets, i wrote in the “holidays”. i’ve been practicing my lettering, and these are the perfect opportunities to put them to use!
friends and family won’t judge 😉
おりがみの裏面をカバーし、手書きで 『holidays』 を入れました。最近レタリングに力を入れていて、家族や友人に贈るカードであれば、プレッシャーなく実践できます ^_^;

i switched the string to this glitter thread i found at another 100yen shop!

v o i l a !

H A P P Y  H O L I D A Y S ! !

tie ribbon

[d.i.y.] baby shower favors

last month, i hosted a dual baby shower for two of my expecting friends. both of them are due around the same time, and both are boys! i was limited with set up time and decorations, so i made a volumy tassel garland that’s easy to put up and instantly brightens up any party space. i didn’t have time to take many photos but here’s what the garlands looked like.



now onto the MAIN subject of this post. a simple and easy baby shower favor d.i.y.! i know i do a lot of “simple and easy”, but seriously not many of us have all the time in the world, and efficiency is key. as long as your heart goes into making these favors, your guests will truly appreciate the gesture!


LET’S START! / 始めよう!

what you need / 材料:
small paper gift bags / ギフト用紙袋
chocolates, candies, or other small wrapped snacks / 個別包装されたチョコレート、キャンディー、お菓子
washi tape / 和紙テープ
printed (or written) thank you message / 手描き、もしくは印刷されたサンキューメッセージ
scissors / ハサミ
ribbon / リボン

1. print and/or handwrite/draw a thank you message to match the width of gift bag. / 印刷もしくは手書き/描きのサンキューメッセージタグを作る。幅はギフトバッグに合わせて。

cut out
2. cut out thank you message tag. i left some white space at the bottom where the tape will go, but this is optional. for some extra fun details, cut top edges in a curved, scalloped, or zig-zag pattern! /

tape bag closed
3. fill gift bag with candies and snacks and tape closed. / ギフトバッグにお菓子を詰めて、テープで閉じる。

add tape to tag
4. tape washi-tape to the bottom edge of tag. make sure to leave about 1/3 inch of the tape from the bottom edge of the tag to attach to the gift bag. / メッセージタグの下端に和紙テープを貼る。ギフトバッグに貼り付ける分量を半分残す。

tape tag to bag
5. tape tag to gift bag. let the detailed top edge stick above the gift bag. / メッセージタグをギフトバッグに貼り付ける。先ほど不規則に切った上端は、紙袋の上から出るように配置してね♥

tie ribbon
6. finish with a ribbon! / 最後にリボンを結ぶ!

FINISHED! / 出来上がり!

[new on etsy] simple holiday cards

come visit me in my ETSY shop! / ETSY ショップをご覧ください〜

>>> peace . love . tokyo <<<

2015 holiday cards are a new addition to the colorable greeting card series!
デコれるカードシリーズに、新商品が仲間入り♬ 2015年版クリスマスカード!

H A P P Y  H A P P Y
H A P P Y  H O L I D A Y S . . .

. . . T O  Y O U !

|| 2014年版クリスマスカードはセール開催中! ||

[d.i.y.] last minute halloween garland

so Halloween this year is on a weekend… meaning a bigger turn out for your Halloween daytime parties… meaning after a week of work… you have pretty much zero time to prepare original decorations….. today, i myself in the same dilemma came up with a easy DIY for a Halloween garland, to make your holiday home feel a little more festive with a little effort. (see parentheses for simpler options to make life a little easier for you!)

今年のハロウィンは、週末になりますね…. ハロウィンパーティーを企画している方は、たくさんの方が昼間からみえることでしょう。しかし、一週間のお仕事を終えた所で、明日の飾り付けとか考えるのもやっと… 私もそんなシチュエーションの真っ只中。なので、簡単、オリジナル、ハロウィンガーランドのDIYを考えました!(カッコ内は、シンプルな材料を書いております。)

LET’S START! / 始めよう!

what you need / 材料:
orange patterned card stock (B4 size) x 5 / オレンジ色の柄の厚紙 (B4 size) x 5
(as long as it’s a rectangular shape, size is not essential. smaller paper will result in smaller flags. /

if you have extra time you can make your own patterned card stock:
B4 size water color paper × 5 / B4 水彩画用紙 × 5
newspaper / 新聞紙
water colors (i used acrylic) / 水彩絵具(アクリル)

ruler / 定規
scissors / ハサミ
halloween colored washi tape (or black colored tape) / ハロウィン色和紙テープ適量 (もしくはシンプルに黒色テープ)
black card stock (or black marker) / 黒い厚紙 (もしくは、黒いマーカー)
glue / のりやボンド
twine / 麻紐

// makes 20 flags (14 for H A P P Y H A L L O W E E N + 1 between the two words + 2 for beginning + 2 for end = 19 plus 1 left over)
計 20 フラグ (H A P P Y H A L L O W E E N で 14枚 + 間に 1枚 + あたまの 2枚 + おわりの 2枚 = 19枚 と あまり1枚) //

(SKIP THIS PROCESS IF YOU HAVE ORANGE PATTERNED PAPER / オレンジ色の柄の厚紙のご用意があれば、こちらを飛ばしてください)
1. if you decided to use water colors, dry the paint. / 水彩画で柄を作られた場合は、十分乾かしてください。
the first d.i.y flag garland i did also used water colors, for a softer feel. this time, i’m using water colors to play with the bold and soft contrasts. / 初めて作ったガーランドは、優しい印象のため水彩柄にしましたが、今回はカラーの強弱をつけるために水彩にしてみました。

2. once your paper is dried and ready, fold them length-wise (hot dog style). / 紙が乾きましたら、長い辺に沿って半分に折る。

3. measure and cut the folded paper into fourths. / 長い辺に沿って4当分に紙を切る。

4. washi-tape (or black tape) the edges opposite of the folded side. / 短い辺同士を和紙テープ(もしくは、黒色テープ)で止める。

(SKIP THIS PROCESS IF YOU HAVE A BLACK MARKER / 黒いマーカーのご用意がある場合はこちらを飛ばしてください)
5. sketch letters on black card stock. if using a pencil to sketch, i recommend drawing the letters (flip the letters horizontally for P, L, E, N) on the back so as not to leave pencil marks on the front side. / 黒い厚紙に文字を描く。できれば、裏面に描いた方が、仕上がり面に出ないのでよりきれいに仕上がります。(P、L、E、Nは、左右を逆に!)

6. cut out and glue letters onto flags. if you have a black marker, draw your letters directly onto flags. / 文字を切り抜き、フラグにのりで貼る。マーカー使用の場合は、直接フラグに描く。

7. thread the flags with twine. / 麻紐を通す。

8. tape the twine to the inside of the flags on the folded side. / フラグの折れ目の内側に麻紐をテープで止める。

(without the tape on the inside, the flags will go haywire… / テープで止めないと、フラグが重なって大変なことに…)

[d.i.y.] halloween flag garland // ハロウィンフラグガーランド
FINISHED! / 出来上がり!
fast, easy, simple! i hope this helps to make Halloween preparations slightly easier for you! / 簡単、早い、シンプル!これで、少しでもハロウィンの飾り付けの準備が楽になるといいです〜